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Dodge Dunn North Dakota ND 58625
Dunn Center Dunn North Dakota ND 58626
Halliday Dunn North Dakota ND 58636
Killdeer Dunn North Dakota ND 58640
Manning Dunn North Dakota ND 58642
Marshall Dunn North Dakota ND 58644


Description of North Dakota, US

Located in the upper Midwest, North Dakota is a state of the United States and is named after the Dakota Sioux people. The Canadian provinces of Saskatchewan and Manitoba, as well as the states of Minnesota, South Dakota, and Montana, all abut North Dakota on the north and east, respectively. KVLY-TV mast is the tallest man-made building in Western Hemisphere and Rugby is thought to be located at the geographic center of North America

As of 2020, North Dakota will be the fourth least populous and fourth most sparsely populated state in the union, despite its 19th-largest size. State capital Bismarck and largest city Fargo account for about a fifth of the state's population; both cities are among America's fastest-growing, despite the fact that half of the state's population lives in rural areas. Wide plains, steppe, cool savanna, badlands, and agriculture distinguish this state as a member of the Great Plains.

What time is it right now? The Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara tribes lived along the Missouri River, as did the Ojibwa and Cree tribes in the northeast, as well as the Assiniboine, Yankton, Wahpeton, and Teton Sioux tribes across the rest of the state. Early in the 18th century, European traders and adventurers began arriving in search of valuable furs. In the early 19th century, the United States purchased the territory and began to settle it, despite the mounting resistance of the progressively displaced indigenous peoples.

For many American pioneers, it was the Homestead Act in 1862 that spurred major population expansion and development in the Dakota Territory formed in 1861. For centuries, the Dakotas relied on the fur trade for their livelihood, but in the late 19th century, the region's wheat crop made it a major breadbasket and economic engine for the rest of the region. Farmers formed political and economic alliances that were important to the Midwest Populist Movement in order to gain access to lucrative grain areas served by the Northern Pacific and Great Northern railroads.

On November 2, 1889, North Dakota and South Dakota became the 39th and 40th states to join the Union. Since the two states were listed alphabetically, it was impossible to discern which became a state first, so President Benjamin Harrison scrambled the statehood papers before he signed them. When the state became a state about 1920, the pioneer era came to an end, and the state was fully settled. As a result of these movements and economic cooperatives, the Bank of North Dakota, the only state-owned bank in the United States, was born.

For decades beginning in the mid-20th century, North Dakota's abundant natural resources were increasingly important to economic growth, and oil extraction from the Bakken formation in the northwest has played a significant role in the state's success. Since this breakthrough, North Dakota has had the second lowest unemployment rate in the United States, which has contributed to remarkable population expansion (along with high birth rates) (after Hawaii). In terms of infrastructure, quality of life, economic opportunities, and public safety, it scores quite high.

Geographical Description of North Dakota

America's Upper Midwest region includes North Dakota. Located in the middle of North America, it shares a land border with Canada to the north. Center, a small town near the geographic center of North America, is located not far from this location. North Dakota's capital city is Bismarck, while the state's largest city is Fargo.

North Dakota's most valuable resource is its soil. It serves as the foundation of the state's enormous agricultural resources. Mineral resources are also abundant in North Dakota. Lignite coal accounts for billions of tons of these mineral resources. Additional oil reserves can be found in North Dakota. One of North Dakota's most valuable mineral resources, petroleum, was discovered in 1951 and quickly became one of the state's most valued. Oil extraction from the Bakken shale rock formation in the western part of the state was made possible by hydraulic fracturing in the early 2000s.

Unlike most other states, North Dakota's economy is mainly dependent on farming. Farm products and farm equipment are processed at a large number of North Dakota enterprises. Agriculture is a major source of income for many businesses in the state.

Nearly all of North Dakota is covered by farms and ranches. They extend westward from the rocky Badlands in the west to the flat Red River Valley in the east. Every county grows wheat, the main cash crop. Almost all of the country's canola and flaxseed is grown in North Dakota. Other notable agricultural products include barley and sunflower seeds, as well as a wide range of legumes and sugar beet products.

Until the 1870s, few white settlers arrived in North Dakota due to the lack of railroads in the area. The Northern Pacific Railroad began crossing the Dakota Territory in the early 1870s. The 1870s also saw the beginning of large-scale farming. Several large wheat farms were created in the Red River Valley by Eastern corporations and few people. Bonanza farms were the name given to the farms because of their high revenues. As a result of the bonanza farms' success drawing white settlers, the population of North Dakota swiftly grew. North Dakota's population was 2,405 in 1870. The city's population had risen to 190,983 by this point in time.

The Sioux tribe that formerly inhabited the area gave the state its name, North Dakota. Dakota and Lakota are terms used by the Sioux to refer to allies or friends. The Peace Garden State is a moniker given to the state of North Dakota. An international peace garden located on the border between Minnesota and Canada is the inspiration for this nickname. There are many flickertail ground squirrels (Richardson's ground squirrel) in the middle portion of North Dakota, which is why the state is known as "Flickertail State".

The Great Plains region of the United States includes North Dakota. This river, which flows from north to south, connects Minnesota to the east. The American states of South Dakota, Montana, and Saskatchewan and Manitoba are located to the east, west, and north of each other. The "Geographic Center of the North American Continent" can be found in Rugby, North Dakota, where a stone marker is located. It is the 19th largest state in terms of land area, covering 70,762 square miles (183,273 km2), of which 69,001 square miles (178,712 km2) are land.

The Great Plains and the northern part of the Badlands, which are located west of the Missouri River, make up the western half of the state. To reach White Butte at 1,069 m above sea level and Theodore Roosevelt National Park, you must first travel through Badlands territory. Natural gas, crude oil, and lignite coal are all abundant in the area. It is the third-largest man-made lake in the United States, after the Garrison Dam and Lake Sakakawea.

Drifting prairies and plateaus make up much of the middle part of Missouri. Lake Agassiz's glacial lakebed lies in the eastern region of Minnesota, which is characterized by a flat river valley. There is a thriving agricultural business thanks to its fertile soil, which is drained by the meandering Red River that flows northward into Lake Winnipeg. Also east of Devils Lake lies a big natural lake known as Lake Superior.

Many parts of North Dakota are covered with grassland; the eastern portion is dominated by crops, while the central and western regions are sparser. Most of North Dakota's natural trees can be found in low-lying areas with good drainage, such as the Pembina Gorge and Killdeer Mountain region, the Turtle Mountain region, the hills surrounding Devils Lake, the McHenry County dunes, and the Sheyenne Valley and Sheyenne delta. Nearly 2,000 varieties of plants can be found in this area's varied landscape.

Economy of North Dakota

There are many industries in North Dakota, but agriculture is the state's most important, followed by petroleum, food processing and technology. It is growing at a rate of roughly 4.1%. North Dakota's GDP was $55.180 billion in the second quarter of 2018, according to the US Bureau of Economic Analysis. From 2013 to 2017, the United States Department of Commerce measured the state's per capita income at $34,256. From 2013 to 2017, the median household income was $61,285.

North Dakota has been the nation's top job creator since 2009, according to Gallup data. The state has a Job Creation Index score of 40, which is approximately 10 points higher than its nearest rivals. There have been 56,600 new private-sector employment in North Dakota since 2011, a 7.32 percent annual growth rate. According to Bureau of Economic Analysis data released in December 2020, North Dakota has the highest annual growth rate in personal consumption expenditures from 2009-2018 of all 50 states. Annual nominal personal income growth averaged 6% per year during this time period, compared to the 4.4% annual growth rate in the United States. Various private economic sectors, such as agriculture, energy development, and construction, all contribute to personal income growth in North Dakota. As a result of the steep rise in housing demand in the 2010s, North Dakota saw the fastest growth in personal spending on housing and utilities of any state.

In 2013, natural resources and mining accounted for just over 21% of North Dakota's overall GDP, which was $49.77 billion.

The North Dakota Mill and Elevator in Grand Forks and the Bank of North Dakota in Bismarck are the only state-owned institutions in the state. These were put in place before the war by the NPL. employs a few hundred people in Grand Forks while Microsoft has a 1,700-strong workforce in Fargo.

At 2.4%, the state's unemployment rate is the lowest in the country as of December 2019. Since 1987, the unemployment rate has been below 5% except for a five-month stretch in 2020. Per capita income in the state had risen from its previous ranking of 38th in 2000 to 17th in 2010. The oil boom in the state has led to a decrease in unemployment and an increase in per capita income. Since the 2008 market meltdown, North Dakota has had a budget surplus every year because to a combination of oil-related development and investments in technology and service businesses.

North Dakota's unemployment rate hasn't been higher than 6.2% since 1976, when the state had a brief economic boom. The unemployment rate in every U.S. state except South Dakota has risen throughout this time period.

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