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Lakewood, CA - Postcode - 90715 - Postal Zip Code List


City or Location Lakewood
County or District Los Angeles
States or Territories California
States or Territories Abbrieviation CA
Postcode or Zipcode 90715


Item Description
Latitude 33.8405
Longitude -118.0767



Lakewood - Postal Zip Code List

Lakewood is located in Los Angeles

Description of California, US

California, constituent state of the United States of America. It became the 31st state of the union on September 9, 1850, and by the early 1960s, it was the most populous state in the United States. The claim that California's name comes from a 16th-century Spanish novel called Las sergas de Esplandián ("The Adventures of Esplandián"), which depicted a paradise island rich in gold and precious stones called California, is widely accepted. Architecture and place names of California reflect the Spanish colonists of the 18th and 19th centuries. The state capital of California is located in Sacramento.

On the north, Oregon, on the east, Nevada, and Arizona, on the south, Baja California, and on the west, the Pacific Ocean. With its Mediterranean-like middle and southern littoral, as well as its volcanic plateau in the far northeast, and its wet northern coast and the parched Colorado Desert in the south, California is a site of amazing physical contrasts. Mount Whitney and Death Valley, the highest and lowest points in the contiguous 48 states, are both located in California. One of the most prominent mountain ranges in the United States—the Sierra Nevada—is home to the tallest peak in the area, Mount Whitney.

Immigration from other states and countries has helped shape California's social, economic, and political life. This has made the state a living laboratory for many generations. More over three-quarters of California's population lives in the three major cities of Los Angeles, San Francisco, and San Diego, making the state the most densely populated in the country. Despite the state's rapid urbanization and subsequent loss of farmland to industry, California is still the country's top agricultural producer by a wide margin. The federal government owns around half of the land in the state. At the heart of the state's national parks is a commitment to the conservation of nature and its resources.

Geographical description of California

One of the state's most important agricultural regions is California's 450-mile-long (725-kilometer-long) Central Valley, which sits between the Sierra Nevada Mountains to the east and west. California's agricultural heartland is located in this region. San Francisco Bay's delta is where the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers meet. North and west boundaries of the valley include the Cascade and Klamath mountain ranges.. Northern Canada's environment is mountainous and densely wooded, turning wetter near the coast and drier and desert in the Northeastern mountains. The Tehachapi Mountains, the most prominent of the transverse ranges, serve as a natural boundary between the southern and central parts of the state.

In eastern California, the majority of the land is dry. Northern Nevada is a vast area of desolate plains, mountains, and a volcanic plateau. On the east escarpment of Sierra Nevada range is the Trans-Sierra desert, part of the enormous transcontinental Great Basin of the Basin and Range Province, which stretches from California to Nevada. From 600 to 2,300 meters above sea level, the Trans-Sierra desert can be found. When a massive pipe network was constructed between 1908 and 1913, it diverted the groundwater flow of the Owens Valley to Los Angeles, which is where the majority of the city's major enclaves are now.

In eastern California, the majority of the land is dry. Northeastern New Mexico is characterized by sparsely inhabited plains, mountains, and a volcanic plateau. East of the steep east escarpment of the Sierra Nevada range is the Trans-Sierra desert, which is part of the vast transcontinental Great Basin of the Basin and Range Province. The Trans-Sierra desert's elevation varies from 600 to 2,300 meters above sea level. The Owens Valley, where the city's major enclaves are located, was once a productive farmland before a massive network of pipes built between 1908 and 1913 diverted its groundwater flow to Los Angeles..

Economy of California

California's economy is one of the world's most significant. 3.3 trillion dollars ($85,500 per person) in 2021 was the highest GSP ever recorded by the United States. One-seventh of the United States' gross domestic product is generated in the state of California (GDP). All but four countries in the world have a nominal GDP greater than California's in 2018. (the United States, China, Japan, and Germany). In terms of purchasing power parity (PPP), it is larger than only eight countries (the United States, China, India, Japan, Germany, Russia, Brazil and Indonesia). California's economy is bigger than those of Africa and Australia combined, and it's nearly as big as that of South America. An estimated 16,677,800 non-farm positions were recorded by the state's 966,224 employer organizations as of September 2021. (as of 2019).

Trade, transportation, and utilities, government, professional and business services, education and health services, and leisure and hospitality are the state's five major employment sectors. By production, financial services, commerce, transportation, and utilities, education and health services, government, and manufacturing are the five largest industries. California's unemployment rate is expected to be 7.3% as of October 2021.

Intercontinental commerce accounts for approximately one-quarter of the state of California's gross domestic product (GDP). Ca. exported $144 billion worth of goods in 2008, a significant increase from $134 billion in 2007 and $127 billion in 2006. For the year 2008, California exported computers and electronic equipment at a value of $42 billion.

A significant portion of California's economy is based on agricultural production. More than fourfold, agricultural sales have grown from $7.3 billion in 1974 to approximately $31 billion since then. Despite the fact that agricultural land has been lost by 15% and the water supply has been unstable for years, this increase has occurred. More intensive use of active farmland and technological advancements in crop production help drive up sales per acre. In 2008, California's 81,500 farms and ranches generated $36.2 billion in product revenue from their activities. Product revenue grew by $43.5 billion in 2011. Two percent of the state's GDP comes from agriculture, which employs roughly three percent of the state's total workforce. For the year 2011, milk and cream were the three most valuable agricultural products in California, followed by almonds and grapes (all in their shells).

At $38,956 in 2007, the country's per capita GDP ranked 12th. Per-capita income varies greatly by region and field of work. Migrant farm workers in California's Central Valley earn less than the minimum wage. One of America's most economically depressed regions, along with Appalachia, according to a Congressional Research Service report from 2005. At 23.5%, California has the nation's highest rate of supplemental poverty. By the government's own estimations, only 13.3 percent of people lived in poverty in 2017. The wealthiest regions of the United States per capita can be found in many coastal communities. San Mateo County and Santa Clara County's Silicon Valley have both recovered from the dot-com bust in Northern California's high-tech sector.

In 2019, California had more millionaire households than any other US state. A 754 average credit score for Californians in 2010 was the highest in the country.

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